Friday, May 28, 2010

Birthday Planning

Well a full day of getting ready for Kai & Liv's birthday parties. I have no idea why I decided to combine them but it is done and now I have double duty. The weather is supposed to suck so I'll have about 12 kids in the house. Thank goodness I didn't hear from a few kids but I sure hope that doesn't mean they are going to show up without RSVPing. I'm planning a scavenger hunt that they will collect little goodies along the way -stickers, shells, treasures, sticky creepy crawly things and stick on earrings. This will lead them to Auntie Calyn dressed in a rabbit suit (weather pending). And she will then lead them to the Mad Hatter Tea Party! Hooray! Little goodies for all! Hoping it all goes well and that the older girls include the younger ones in the hunt. If not the Red Queen will shout "off with their heads!" Ha Ha, very true to form. I'll try to take pictures as long as my little Eden lets me. Funny how these little ones dictate everything we do! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Heartbroken & Snotty!

She gets sooo upset when she thinks one of the girls have been mean to her. She was out playing with sidewalk chalk and got all chalky. So Livi tried to dust her off which she interpreted as hitting her. She had to come in and tell me how upset she was. This girl give us such laughs. Our favorite part of our drive out to Saskatchewan (other than the gorgeous green trees and rolling hills) was her saying "Mommy, I comin' too?" which she slurs together so quickly. Then "Daddy, I comin' too?" And we have to respond. And if we respond out of turn, which Chris did quite often, she would yell at him and say "Don't Daddy!" So he'd have to apologize and wait for her to ask him! She knows what she wants! She would ask us this about every 10 minutes and it actually didn't get old, we would just look at each other and smile & laugh. She really is adorable! But then again I'm biased!
"Seriously mom? I hope this whole 'blogging' thing isn't gonna make you go camera crazy"


My sweet little Eden (of course paradise but also means delight which I must say we feel she is such a delight). She spends her days sleeping, eating, pooping & peeing & watching us like a hawk! She's not a huge smiler yet but she gives us some super cute ones usually when she first wakes up, right after eating or a non-traumatizing diaper change. I say non-traumatizing cause she screams bloody murder when she is naked or if she startles herself which is actually quite often. She is a bit jumpy! And that is not good with 3 other girls in the house!

Biggest and littlest.

Here is my big 8 year old girl holding her 10 week old sister. Eden really isn't enjoying her sisters holding her anymore. Why? I have no idea. Maybe Kaiya doesn't hold her strong enough and maybe Livi spits on her while she talks in her sweet, high pitched voice -haha!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My sister made me do it!

Here I am, at the wise suggestion of my dear sister. We will have a place to share and I'll have a record of all the 'happenins' in the Babin household. Looking forward to sharing...