Friday, August 6, 2010

Eek! Water! Save me Daddy!

Splash Park.

We headed to the Morinville Farmers market & the the splash park today. We bought some smoked salmon, garden carrots (cause I just don't have enough), handmade greek flavored perogy, and a hutterite saskatoon pie. Yummy!!! The girls had a blast at the splash park, though Raine was not fond of being sprayed and spent most of her time on the sidelines prancing away whenever water came remotely near her. Can't wait for her to have a dip in BC waters.

Workin on toofer numero two.

Eden's 2nd tooth is almost through now. She's sucking on her lip, chewing, drooling and irritable. The homeopathic stuff works for the days leading to the tooth breaking through but now that her gums are so swollen and the tooth is bursting through she is on Tylenol. Don't like doing it but it makes her so much happier. And I am much happier when she is.

One lucky guy!

Here we are with our buddies the Morkins. When we are together it's like we have 4 sets of twins (though Liv & Terrence are almost a year apart but the best of buddies). Its a full house of girls with one lucky little man. I think he tolerates them quite well :)

Who dat???

Here is Eden with her stunt double. On many occasions all of us (including Grampa Danny) have caught this baby out of the corner of our eye and thought it was Eden. Usually it's face down laying by a piece of furniture so it looks like we are being very negligent. At least when it's in the exersaucer it looks like it's being taken care of to some degree. But their coloring in much different (Eden looks like a freaky ghost) and Eden would be objecting very much to being left alone on her stomach!

And the look in Eden's eyes on this one says "you just wait til I'm upright and have perfected my pincer grasp, I will take you down!"
And Raine just finished her famous line, which she shrieks with incredible excitement "She touching me!!!!"