His favorite spot, right beside nursing baby or baby snuggling with mom. And Eden grabs hold of him and is so excited. He seems to enjoy the abuse.

We got a new member in our family. Mr.Splat the cat and yes I said Mr. another boy to make a dent in the estrogen. He has fallen in the tub 3 times, each time Livia had to save him from
drownding (her words). And Raine just can't keep out of the
litter box. First she had a nice layer spread all around the back door and into the kitchen (with a piece of poop in the laundry basket & his food & water bowl filled with litter). Next day just around the
litter box. And now today I set her up to soak her cut finger in salt water, went to the bathroom, came out and she's sitting there
indian style in the litter box! What a kid!