Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First day of school 2010

I can't believe I have a Grade 3'er and a Grade 1'er. They both are really enjoying school so far and I must admit, so am I.

Splat the Cat - well kitty still.

His favorite spot, right beside nursing baby or baby snuggling with mom. And Eden grabs hold of him and is so excited. He seems to enjoy the abuse.
We got a new member in our family. Mr.Splat the cat and yes I said Mr. another boy to make a dent in the estrogen. He has fallen in the tub 3 times, each time Livia had to save him from drownding (her words). And Raine just can't keep out of the litter box. First she had a nice layer spread all around the back door and into the kitchen (with a piece of poop in the laundry basket & his food & water bowl filled with litter). Next day just around the litter box. And now today I set her up to soak her cut finger in salt water, went to the bathroom, came out and she's sitting there indian style in the litter box! What a kid!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Holiday's 2010

Eden's first food - a peach! Very out of characteristic from me but Chris said she couldn't stop staring so he wanted to give it to her. And she really liked it.
Livia & Valen. They had a great time together.

Raine's absolute favorite! Enough so that when the other kids were on it she was getting very mad and jealous.

Gramma & Gramps with the grandkids on the bench Grampa & his buddy built. Its a beautiful spot with a great view of the creek. The kids thought it was great there (so did I, I just had to put my feet in) and shoes and clothes were coming off - I think Atti was completely naked - except Kaiya. She wouldn't want to do such a thing!

Stompin' the clay for the cob oven. Such a great thing!

The trip out to Winlaw.

On our way out we stayed in Calgary and went to the zoo. Eden cried a lot on the drive from Calgary to Winlaw :( but all in all it went pretty good.