Friday, October 8, 2010

Tomato continued.

Eden did a great job patiently waiting.
All crushed up.

My helper had to unhygienically have a taste while Eden salivates in the background.

Tomato lacto fermentation. Hope it works!

My tomato harvest. A whole bunch of rock hard green tomatoes. I researched how to ripen them and decided on putting them in a box and cover them in newspaper. And as luck would have it Chris happened to buy new hockey skates so I had two large shallow boxes to use. the rest I left in plastic bags. I stashed my bounty in my room mainly because there was no place else to put it. I was pleasantly surprised that they began ripening and we could enjoy some garden tomatoes.
But I am now sick of having tomato this and tomato that. So when talking to Erin today she read a recipe from a book and suggested Lacto fermentation. Mmmmm, sounds easy and super healthy so I decided to give it a try. I hauled out the crock from the garage and as I'm doing this I think of how much work our grand & great grand parents had to do. That thing is heavy. No wonder so many of those old crocks have cracks.
Next came the challenge of cleaning it. As you can see I can't get my faucet in it so I fill it manually with a jar and add some dish soap and vinegar. It was quite awkward to maneuver.

Eden all dressed up.

An attempt to get some pictures of our sweetie.