Thursday, March 10, 2011

A sweet girl.

This girl has a way with this puppy. She's my 'dog whisperer' I tell her. She has a knack for knowing when he needs to go pee and takes him out, even in -20 degree weather!
A little trouble in this cute little face.

Miss Livia has read over 200 hundered books in her at-home reading program and absolutely loves reading. Ede is not the best of listeners though.

Waiting for...


A little possessive about holding the dog. She looks non-expressive but she's busy keeping an eye on all her sisters.
I am moving!

I want you!

Our new dog Rocco. He's a terrier mix and so small and cute. But the work of house training a dog is a lot to add into my busy life. I hope it'll all be worth it in the end :)

A little stuck.

Little Miss Ede, pushing herself around got stuck under the highchair. She starts complaining but when she sees the camera she's all smiles. She loves the limelight!