Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Baby bird

I was mowing and saw this little bird by some trees. We looked and looked for where it's nest could be but only saw a freshly carved hole in a tree. So Chris stayed and watched and actually saw a bird come to the hole. So he called me back from mowing to put it back. I put it back and decided to check the base of the tree out. There was another baby! So up in the tree I put it. I'm hoping they survive.

Tonsil & adenoid surgery

Kaiya finally had her giant tonsils removed on May 30, 2013. She hated the taste of the Tylenol they gave her and then the fact that she had to strip down to just undies (no bra!!!)and wear hospital pjs. Chris took her in the operating room and my robot didn't even want to hug me goodbye. She did really well, the doc said she had really big tonsils. Now we are at home on a 1-2 week recovery. She's been in a lot of pain but she really is a toughie.

Spring 2013

Just some shots from around the house.

Sturgeon night of music 2013

Kaiya did guitar and fiddle club and Livia did choir.

Moose scat?

We weren't sure if this was from a moose? The prints were huge though. We compared them to Livi's boot.