Friday, September 26, 2014

Leaves & bonfire

Sept 19

Picking leaves for Livi's school project. 
Cool mushrooms.

Eden eating a crab apple.

September 18

Goofing around at Livis run. She placed 24 out of about 70 runners.

September 13

Big fire at the Brennies'.

September 12

Came home from a work course and Eden is some sort of fairy with pink streaks in her hair and black lipstick. Gorgeous 😐

September 11

Livia participated in a cross country fun run in St.albert and placed 23 out of about 60 racers.

Putting Kaiyas new bra on Chris' head. Poor guy has to put up with a lot of stuff with us girls!

September 8 A brush of snow

September 6 post race

A freezing dip in the pool with Liv, Raine & Ede. A big spider had a couple delicious wasps spun up for supper on the ladder. 

West Country Hearth Attack sept 6

Chris and I participated in a 5km 20 obstacle race. It was a lot of fun!

September 5

Edens first day of Headstart.

September 2

First day of school. Kaiya Grade 7 (westworth), Livia Grade 5 (Wilson), Raine Grade 1 (Hagen).

August 32

Kaiya with Grandma Babin and Auntie Lucie. She's gotten so tall!

August 28

Pool time and then bonfire and cake at the McBrides for Haylees birthday.

August 24

Eden and dad get dolled up!

August 23

Gram mama with her favorite feline grandchild - sorry Penny! Lol!