Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Livia and Raine started hockey this month. They are both loving it!

Oct18. Livia's race.

Livia's race at Hawerlek Park. She placed 58th.

Trying out the bow.


Thanksgiving 2014

Chris and Dopey at the fire.

The park with Eric & the boys.

Chris and Eric getting stuck ;)

Yoga with Auntie Calyn

Babin side Thanksgiving 2014

We celebrated thanksgiving with the babin side Oct 5 at Pigeon Lake again. This year we finally found our way to the lake. We had to hop some barbed wire fence and bush whack a bit but we did it. We also found a geo cache near the lake. 


Chris' idea to wrap a hotdog in bacon. Not my cup of tea but the kids enjoyed.
And bannock, totally my cup of tea!

Auntie Calyn visits.

And she is surrounded!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Edmonton Corn Maze

Corn Maze. Highlight was raine bending to pick up animal feed and the calf starting to eat her hair! We laughed and laughed then Eden tried to get it to eat her hair too.

Our sweetlegs!
Making fun of Chris and his man purse!

Big baby needing a ride again.