Tuesday, July 7, 2015

December 10, 2014

Oil Kings game for Livia's class for reading. 

November 30, 2014

I wonder what these girls are talking about?

November 7, 2014


November 2, 2014

Mixed soccer. 

October 31, 2014

October 30, 2014.

Livia in A Mid Summer Nights Dream. She was mustardseed.

Trip to Calgary Oct 21-23.

We stayed right downtown. It was a little difficult getting to the hotel because of one ways. We also passed two bums first starting to wrestle over something and it was beginning to escalate as the light changed for us. Downtown living!
We walked to McDonald's for breakfast as the price for eggs/toast/hash browns/coffee at the hotel was $22! So the girls and I would walk a few blocks each morning to go for breakfast. The first day a guy came up and said "you're sitting in my spot" he looked like he was a little off. I said "we're almost done" and he got distracted by the stickers on my coffee cup and went on a rant how he gave some guy stickers and wondering if the guy ever used them and about idiots on the bus. Then walked away. He came back a minute later and gave Raine a lip gloss and said "Here, this is probably your color for when you're older" Raine was happy, I said thank-you and told the girls to speed up their eating and we left and I told Raine to throw the lip balm in the garbage. She sure wanted to keep it! Then after we were worried that he'd go find it in the garbage and be mad! I should've buried it in there! I was a little worried about seeing him again after that!

Raine on the gorilla eating "that looks like Grandpa Danny. grandpa eating dulse." Lol!

This massive guy!

She spent so much time in the wagon that she missed some pictures. It was tiring pulling her up hills.
She pulled her tooth out our first night at the hotel! Tooth fairy came too!

I have to put tape on myself so I don't interrupt myself

October 23, 2014 - the Calgary Zoo