Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rainbow time

We get some great views of rainbows after the storms we've had the last few days. The girls are always so excited to see them and ponder the exsistence of leprechauns and pots of gold. I usually try and do my best Irish/leprechaun accent but usually end up sounding like a drunk pirate. I guess I'll have to work on that.

Track Day 2010!

The girls had track day at school on the 25th. Like the good daddy he is, Chris volunteered again and led Kaiya's team. He thought that would be fair seeing as he coaches Livia's soccer team. The girls sure love having him be involved in their lives and I love that he thinks of such things and wants to do things with them.
I took the younger girls to watch in the morning then we went home for lunch. We returned in the afternoon to finish cheering on the girls. Raine did pretty good but I was sure happy Grandpa Danny was there to help corral the beast.
The girls both had a tonne of fun. Kaiya is still more about having fun with her friends where as Livia wants to win. And she did great. She won the sack race, and the three legged race with her friend. Then her group leader and friends picked her to do the big relay race at the end of the day in front of all the K-3 students & parents. That is her at the far left on the first picture. They told her they picked her because she was always cheering and smiling and that she tried hard and did well. She was beaming.

Grampa Jerry's 56th Birthday

Mmmm, patiently waiting for Grampa's birthday cake. I can't seem to get video to upload but will keep trying. It was a lovely night, supper & birthday cake. When Grampa was served first, Raine objected greatly. And she objects very, very loudly. Poor neighbors. I'm so glad we live in the country.

The tongue of concentration

For Livia's end of the year party they had some clowns come out and then had some carnival games. Luckily Chris was able to go and check things out. He said she did great and was going through things like a tornado. I found out later it was because they had to collect as many stickers as they could so they could win some candy. Surprise, surprise, Livia is motivated by candy.
Here she is, concentrating very hard at the game at hand. Just so she could win some candy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pictures of the girls

We went down to the Sturgeon river to try and take some pictures of the girls for me to send out to people. We had one cranky two year old but we managed to get a few that were okay. Even though, as hard as we tried, we couldn't work a smile out of that girl at all!

I got some hats/headbands off a lady on etsy with the intention to take some pictures of the girls to send out. Here I am just testing them out on Edie. Pretty cute.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The toothless fairy

Livia lost her second tooth yesterday! She was so excited once again because she likes to make mommy cry because "she's growin' up" She wanted to hold it and did so until she was putting money into her piggy bank and once again lost her tooth! I say once again because she also lost her first tooth(on Mothers day). We were at Canadian Tire and she insisted on bringing her tooth in a ziploc bag and lost it there. She didn't say anything until we were heading up to Mom & Dad's so Chris dropped us off and went back in search of the missing tooth. What he found was a ziploc bag with what looks to be chewed holes in the corners and no tooth!
So here we are, no 'first' tooth to keep for Livia. Luckily she has been able to write a note and the toothfairy still leaves her some money but now I'm gonna look like the bad mom who has all of Kai's teeth and so far none of Livia's!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More Eden.

Ohhhh, just looking at her little face makes me smile. I just want to eat her up and kiss her all day. We are just loving having this sweet baby in our lives. She's pretty happy most of the time but when her teeth are bugging her she gets very, very upset. And she's now slept 8 hours for 2 days straight. I'm really crossing my fingers this continues! She gave me a bit of a laugh today but I really had to work for it, I think she's stubborn like the rest of us!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A day with Raine

Oh, my sweet Raine. She is both such a joy and such a challenge for me. Never has one of my kids yelled at me "Don't" the way she does. Even when I smile at her and she is not in the mood for it I get "Don't" and a dirty look. Today Livi & Kaiya were both at school so my day was spent with my littler girls. Eden had a pretty good day other than the moments her teeth were bothering her and she is now starting to clench when she nurses which doesn't make momma very happy.
I finally untangled the gorgeous bead hair thing (I have now idea what it's called but I know I always wanted one, or a forehead thing like the little girl on Neverending story had haha) and Raine wanted to put it on cause it is "pretty". And boy did she look pretty.
And she was so lonely without Livi all day as Livi was at school and then went straight to a birthday party. By the end of the day she was walking in the hallway and looking out the window and saying Livi. She sure loves her sister. When Livi got home these girls went mad together. Throwing balloons, Raine pulling and trying to hold and then sit on Livi and a lot of giggling and screeching. Just how it should be I suppose.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bubble Fun!

Livia & Raine having some fun this morning blowing bubbles. Raine has a big trail of bubbles (probably mixed with snot! YUCK) on her upper lip.

The Birthday Party Commeth

Kaiya & Livia's Birthday party is finally over and done with! I'm so glad! About a week of planning and the 3 hours just flew by. It was crazy, quite a whirlwind. We had terrible rainy weather but we still sent them out for the scavenger hunt. They went about, getting clues and collecting little goodies. And I think their favorite part was trying to find the white rabbit (aka Auntie Calyn). It actually took them quite a while, she was hiding in the bathtub stuck in a very claustrophobia inducing costume. My girls were asking for the rest of the day and into the next day who was the white rabbit til Chris just told them it was Calyn! They loved it. They white rabbit then led the kids to the tea party where most of the kids then said they'd rather have hot chocolate - probably because of the marshmallows and whipped cream but oh well. They watched a bit of the Alice movie and then we went to the basement to play some balloon games. I cannot believe how loud some of these girls shriek! I think they'd compete with Raine! Then it was present time then butterfly cupcakes supplied by Gramma Rena with little lilly of the valley flowers as antennas. So cute!