Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Track Day 2010!

The girls had track day at school on the 25th. Like the good daddy he is, Chris volunteered again and led Kaiya's team. He thought that would be fair seeing as he coaches Livia's soccer team. The girls sure love having him be involved in their lives and I love that he thinks of such things and wants to do things with them.
I took the younger girls to watch in the morning then we went home for lunch. We returned in the afternoon to finish cheering on the girls. Raine did pretty good but I was sure happy Grandpa Danny was there to help corral the beast.
The girls both had a tonne of fun. Kaiya is still more about having fun with her friends where as Livia wants to win. And she did great. She won the sack race, and the three legged race with her friend. Then her group leader and friends picked her to do the big relay race at the end of the day in front of all the K-3 students & parents. That is her at the far left on the first picture. They told her they picked her because she was always cheering and smiling and that she tried hard and did well. She was beaming.

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