Sunday, July 18, 2010

Street Performers Festival '10

Sword swallower/balloon swallower
Miss Eden taking in all the sights and sounds.

Ping Pong magician.

We took in the Street Performers festival for the first time ever! Auntie Calyn came with us which was a huge help as the girls love hanging with her and the more hands the better. We started with the sword swallower which was pretty amazing. Then he took a long, skinny balloon and swallowed the whole thing! And it didn't come back up! He said for a price you could watch it come out the other end - gross! We also saw a magician whose expertise seemed to be tricks with ping pongs. He was really good too and I enjoyed his humor.
We checked out some shops and had a snack - yummy elephant ears and then bubble tea.
I think it will get better every year as the girls get older and we can stay for more of the shows. This is going to be a must for us every year!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky girlies! Beautiful pictures...and nice to have Auntie along as well.
