Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Day 2010!!! Eden's 1st Christmas!

Livia and Auntie Lynn had some nice bonding time.

Kaiya's pj's made by Gramma Rena which she says are now her favorite. They played princess with them on all day!

Livi starting to eat the chocolate winter scene.

What???? A present for me?

We started off Christmas a little too early this year, 4:45 which does not make for a happy Mommy & Daddy. So we told them to go back to bed but we couldn't get back to sleep as we kept hearing them chatting excitedly and opening and shutting their door! I think we finally got up at 6:30 or so which is still too early for us!
I put our traditional breakfast dish into the oven (Auntie Bev's Oven French Toast - Yum) and then we got to the opening. The girls were so excited which really made it exciting for us. Kaiya said her favorite thing was her DSI, Livia said everything, Raine liked Livi's Moondough the best and the Dora bandaids from Santa (by some weird coincidence she suddenly developed an owie as soon as she opened them!) and Eden liked all the tissue paper! What great fun Christmas is with little kids!
After we were done at home the rest of the day went by like a tornado. We prepped some stuff to bring to Mom and Dad's then showered and rushed over to Danny & Marie's. We opened gifts there and they also had this wonderful Christmas scene/platter done in chocolate. Livia was eyeing the thing from the time we got there and kept a perked ear out for the okay to dive in and destroy and eat it. Man that kid loves candy & chocolate. And on a side note, we were glad she did because during the night Sarah & Kent's dog got into it and ate everything else! What a waste!
Then we came back home got the food & snow stuff for the kids and headed into Mom and Dad's. Dad & Calyn took Kai & Liv out sledding right away and we stayed back with Mom & Auntie Lynn. It would've been nice and quiet but Miss Raine was in quite a mood. When they got back we opened presents and then had a yummy turkey dinner. And after a little bit of charades and chatting we went home and went to bed. Ahhh sweet sleep.

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