Saturday, November 10, 2012

Calyn & Chases wedding in Canmore

Calyn and Chase got married in Canmore this July. At first it was going to be a helicopter wedding, which would take us up the mountain. But a few days before some issues between the company and the residents of Canmore, who didn't want American owned companies flying there, came out and everything was up in the air. So C & C decided to cancel the helicopter and moved everything to the gorgeous home they were renting. So our family headed down and stayed in the lodges at Canmore and it was great. Two big bedrooms & bathrooms, a hideabed, washer/dryer, kitchen, pretty much all the comforts of home. Mom & Dad, Erin & Joel's family all stayed in uncle Marc's brothers house near by. The kids were so excited to hang out with their cousins.

The wedding was lovely & Calyn looked stunning. There were a lot of people we didn't know, actually only our immediate family and calyns three girlfriends. So that was very different not having a whole bunch of family seeing as we do have a very large extended family. And Erin & I weren't bridesmaids but I guess could have been if they decided they wanted 4 bridesmaids? Weird but oh well. I was glad I didn't have to worry about losing weight to fit a specific dress! I did feel a bit out of the loop, no real role, not really knowing anyone but I busied myself in the kitchen and tried to help out that way. So after the supper we hung around a bit then the little kids were getting tired so we packed up and made the trip back to Canmore. We stayed a couple days longer which I will post on next. But all wasn't done with the wedding yet! Mom & Dad hosted a wedding reception in Canwood for them in August. It was so nice to see all the aunts and uncles! Auntie rhonda who hadn't been feeling very well made the trip and even Aunt Janet who I think is 92? Mom made a delicious supper and catered a roast in. Erin, Uncle Andy, Aunties Opal & Colleen, jade, Chalayn and I danced to 2:30 in the morning. I suffered from lack of sleep for a week! It was a lot of fun. And that event ended Calyns wedding celebration.

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