Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Driveway 2013

Wow! What a year for snow & flooding! Our driveway has been awful this year. There were a few times I couldn't get up the hill and was stuck at home. We spent a lot of time ditching and then harrowing the driveway. I even got to ride the harrow too. Oh and this was the first year I did snow clearing with the quad. No more babies in this house so I have much more freedom! Now April 29 & 30 we got snow! Ridiculous.
The flooding at houses around here has been crazy. Animal rescue had to rescue a horse by boat because the land it was on was so flooded, it looks like a lake. Another house built a make shift raft and it looks like that's how they get from their house to the hwy. another takes a gator back and forth. It's been quite the year.

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